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How to use the ciskulweb?

Open the Web page Ciskul tools, there will be two columns. The column above is used for code html and css, whereas under the column used for the javascript only.

To write css code in the first column should be done like this:
# Put your css code here ....
</ Style>

To write javascript at the bottom of the column can be done directly without using html tags. example:

function Ciskul() {var few: String; }

How to share the tools to my friends?

Click the share button code, then copy link your tools. Then you can share the link with anyone.

How do I install tools / widgets that I've made to my blog?

There are two ways to install or use tools on the blog.
How simple using an iframe from the tools link you have created. Attach the following script in the blog you want to pair with these tools.
<Iframe src = "Link tools" style = "border: none; height: 460px; width: 100%;"> </ iframe>

replace the tools link by link tools would you like to post

2nd How to install the html code that you have created with format like this:

[Html code that you made in the above column]
[Javascript code that you made in the bottom of the column]
</ Script>

Done. If there are complaints or questions please ask us, we support Keep yes :)

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